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Duck is a lover. She is 2 1/2 years old. She is UTD on all vaccinations, heartworm preventative, etc. Duck is trained in agility and obedience, but still loves to chase small critters. She will retrieve on land or in water for hours on end, but also loves to lay around on comfy chairs in the house. She is a mostly indoor dog although she goes for hikes and swims almost everyday. She is good with kids, other dogs, and cats, but does not like to be touched while sleeping. She is a spoiled rotten princess who goes everywhere with me!

More about Duck

BreedLab/German Shorthaired Pointer/Australian Shepherd mix
Medical ConditionsDuck was diagnosed with Lyme disease in June of 2015 and treated with antibiotics. There is always a chance for symptoms to resurface. She is also allergic to potatoes (they make her itchy).