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Cosmo is a very kind, friendly dog who sometimes can be a little nervous if he is unsure of something, but he has never done anything to hurt somebody. Cosmo has a lot of allergies. His safe foods are lamb, kangaroo, and fish.
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More about Cosmo

Comes ToCome, slap you side and snap your fingers
Breedsheepadoole, he got a black mask over his eyes,
Commandssit, stay, come, high five, shake a paw,
Medical Conditionschicken , turkey, rabbit, duck, beef, bully ssticks, cows milk, clover bud oil, sunflower oil, cocunt oil, snow mold
Special InstructionsIf Cosmo has something he can't have - Benadryl up 120mg x2 a day the sizes it comes in - 50mg x2 - 25mg x4 - Every 12 hours! Cosmo SAFE foods are Lamb, Kangaroo, Fish
Primary VeterinarianDr. Becky 780-875-5733
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