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Zuzu is a sweet little girl but is extremely fearful of strangers. If backed into a corner she may even bite as a means to protect herself. Strangers really have to work hard to earn her trust. But she is very sweet and affectionate with her family.
With her family Zuzu is a loving and playful girl. She is very attached to her K-9 siblings and her human mommy.
She loves to play with toys. (she's not very good at sharing with her K-9 siblings) Tennis balls and squeaky toys are her favorites. But she is quite destructive with the toys. We have yet to find one that she can't destroy within minutes.
When she's not playing Zuzu can be found snuggled close to her human mommy or with her K-9 siblings.
She is an important part of our family. We love her so very much and would be lost without her.