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My name is SoCo, and I was born on or around July 15 2007.

Well trained, and behaved most of my years up until I started to develop arthritis throughout my body that creates discomfort and pain most of the day every day. I do not bite but when handle improperly especially around my neck and front legs I may alert you by growling a bit but nothing else. Also, I prefer not to be around extremely hyper or active dog as they can make my pain worse trying to avoid playing, I do get alone with calmer dogs at this stage of my life
it is though to be old :( Finally I am unable to go stairs up or down so my mom Carries me up and down when having to overcome places with stairs.

So days I can not see good due to my cataracts, some days I lose sense of smell and hearing.

I take gabapentin twice a day (morning food and evening food) for pain and Galliprant for inflammation due to pain once a day (mostly at night).

I have a feeding machine that I love that feeds me 3 times a day:
8 am - 1 cup of Royal Canin prescription diet Satiety small pellets
12:30 - 1 cup of Royal Canin prescription diet Urinary SO moderate calories
5:30 - 1 cup Royal Canin prescription diet Satiety small pellets

My Vet is Dr Dan Martin at Rippowam Veterinary Hospital on High Ridge Road in Stamford CT.

My Rehabilitation therapist is Lara or Jennifer at Guardian Veterinary Services Hospital in Brewster NY.

As you can see I need a lot of care which my mom Nury has been providing to me diligently so please contact her as she is / will be very worried and sad.

In the meantime i will trust you until reunited with my mom a.s.a.p.



More about SoCo

Comes ToWhistle, or name followed by a command.
BreedLabrador mix with Jack Russell terrier, with white patches around my front
CommandsCome, sit, lay down, leave it, go lay down, lets go
Medical ConditionsGalliprant and Gabapentin
Primary VeterinarianDr Dan Martin - Rippowam Veterinary Hospital in Stamford CT