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Quest is a Texas Husky Rescue adoption. If found, please ALSO contact them at!!! He is extremely gentle! ***DO NOT PUT HIM NEAR ANY AGGRESSIVE/DOMINANT/OR TERRITORIAL ANIMALS/DOGS.*** He would loose in a pillow fight! He is a gentle giant or Ferdinand. Good with people, older children, and other friendly dogs. Not sure about cats.

More about Quest

BreedSiberian Husky
Medical ConditionsSeasonal allergies
Special InstructionsQuest breaks out in a red rash and looses his fur around his eyes, mouth, nose, and inner webbing of paws in late Spring. We are not sure if it is caused by airborne allergens or from the lawn fertilizers used at this time. Our vet has treated with Benedryl or Steroids, but long term Steroids should be avoided!!
Microchip Number900074001613043 registered with Smart Tag as well.
Primary VeterinarianTowne North Animal Hospital, San Antonio TX - Dr. Mac