Have you found Levi?
Levi is an extremely friendly 5 lb Yorkie-poo. He loves to play and cuddle. Levi does not socialize with other animals regularly so he will either get overly excited and try to play or bark at them. Levi is potty pad trained indoors but will also do his business outside on the grass especially if traveling. He enjoys going for walks and is always held or on leash while outside as he could get overly excited, distracted and run off. Still in training to obey commands but trying very hard.
Birth date: October 5, 2021
Birth date: October 5, 2021
More about Levi
Comes To | Name, Come and Healthy Treats |
Breed | Yorkie-poo |
Commands | Sit, Stay, Come, Lay Down, Paw, Stand, High Five, Wait |
Medical Conditions | None |
Special Instructions | Levi suffered from sugar shock as a puppy and is ONLY fed Badlands Ranch Complete Superfood Complete. Levi loves Badlands Ranch and Stewart single ingredient treats. Drinks only water. Levi has had all required vaccinations and rabies vaccine. Latest rabies vaccine was on 11/15/24 and is 3 yr vaccine. |
Microchip Number | 933000320666079 |
Primary Veterinarian | Agapé Animal Center 850-913-9777´ |