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Bailey is very docile and doesn't have a dominant personality. However, he gets skittish easily especially around people and places he isn't familiar with. The words "it's ok" in a calm, soothing voice is recognizable to him. Sometimes treats help to entice him. Best to remain calm near him, placing your hand out slowing saying "it's ok" will sometimes work for him to sniff and smell your hand. But don't lunge after him quickly after that. Build the trust up as best as possible first. He is known to bear all his weight down when picking him up when he doesn't like it or doesn't know you. He does like to hide if all the above is unsuccessful.

More about Bailey

Comes Towords "its ok" and treats
BreedSnowshoe Siamese
CommandsSit; laydown;
Special InstructionsIf I or any of the contacts can't be reached and/or urgent medical attention is needed, please contact Mission Animal Hospital at 952.938.1237
Primary VeterinarianMission Animal Hospital 952-938-1237