Have you found Bear "Beartthew Pup"?

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Hello, my name is Bear!
I don't know how you found me but, thanl you! Believe me, I am terrified right now. I'm a good boy but I get nervous and defensive when I'm scared due to past abuse trauma. Please be patient with me, I'm learning to trust again. If you have a squeaker or a toy, that's a great way to get me to not be so leery of you. Please give my Mommy a call to tell her in safe and sorry for running off.
Thank you, Kind Stranger!

More about Bear "Beartthew Pup"

Comes ToMy Name, Squeak Noises, Toys
BreedMixed Breed, Hairless Notch over Left Eye, Broken Front Teeth
CommandsSit, Stay, Lay, Come, Let's Go, Paw, Etc.
Medical ConditionsNone
Special InstructionsPup has abuse trauma. Do not yell at him or try to grab him. Do not try to swing anything at or above him. Do not try to cage him. All of this will scare him causing him to try to run or lash out if cornered.
Microchip Number985113006366657
Primary VeterinarianMiddletown Banfield Pet Hospital (845) 343-6550