Dog and Cats Living Together - New Pet Tips

It is always an exciting event when the time comes to bring home a new pet. The process of searching for that fur ball that makes your heart sing and puts a special smile on your face is an experience that can be moving and memorable for years to come.  If you already have pets at home then it is certainly important that you usher in this new addition carefully and have some sort of plan. This is especially true if it will be dogs and cats living together in your home.So how do you get two territorial animals who are classic rivals to live together in harmony?

Doggie Grooming - 10 Tips for a Successful Bath

Due to the recent financial state here in the US, many pet owners have found it necessary to take a closer look at their budget for pet-related costs. One of these expenses is most definitely doggie grooming. Some family dogs, who previously might have taken a trip to the groomer once every few weeks, are now only going every other month. This leaves a lot of time for those nails to grow and that hair to get shaggy.How hard can it be to give your dog a bath at home in between visits to the groomer?

Human Food for Dogs - 10 Table Foods Dogs Can Eat

We have posted a few articles in the past about human food for dogs and how it can potentially harm your pet. So this week we decided to look at the other side of the table, so to speak, and create a list of perfectly safe and healthy human food for dogs. It is important to keep in mind that these human foods are great to share with your dog in small portions or as a sidekick to their normal dog food regimen but should not become the main part of their diet. These human foods that are good for dogs can all be used to bring a little color and flavor into your pet's life.

5 Quick Steps to Slim Down those Overweight Dogs or that Obese Cat

Seasonal weight gain is a time honored tradition over the holidays for many of us but for our pets it can be serious business. With all the great food and family gatherings, it is not uncommon to put on a few extra pounds (to keep warm during the winter months… of course). When things start to warm up a bit, people have the option to go to the gym or hop on the treadmill, but our pets rarely go off on their own accord to get proper exercise.
