Dog Tag Art (, makers of high quality pet ID tags, is taking a stand for peace. The Asheville, North Carolina-based company wants to help raise awareness for the 31st anniversary of Peace Day on September 21st, and is asking supporters to Tweet #PeaceDay throughout the day on September 21st.
To show their support of Peace Day, between now and September 21st Dog Tag Art is offering a "peaceday" promo code with no-cost shipping for customers and donating 30% of their sales to Veterans for Peace, Peace One Day, and Playing For Change.
It's a punishment worse than death, it's...therapy. Groan. After
acting out, Ira gets sent to a therapy dog named Maggie, to see what's
going on with his aggressive behavior towards the Beardo. Will Maggie be
able to help Ira move on and come to terms with his Mom's new
relationship? Does therapy even work? See what happens next week on This
American Dog.