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We found Khaleesi (pronounced ka-LEE-see) in the park at about 2 years old. She might be the sweetest dog you've ever met if you are in her circle. She is very cautious and weary of strangers. Use slow motions with her and do not pet above her head (Most dogs sometimes react poorly to this). She does listen very well and LOVES children. other nicknames: Pooshka, Bubby Girl, and KK

More about Khaleesi

Comes ToHer name, Treats, Clapping...she minds well
BreedDutch Shepherd
CommandsSit, Stay, Come, Down
Special InstructionsBe gentle with her, speak in a higher pitched voice and no sudden quick movements. She is very protective of her pack and generally cautious with strangers. She is an absolute lover though. And she is typically the best lazy dog companion in the world
Microchip Number985141002544143
Primary VeterinarianDr. Lan @ Lincoln animal Hospital 714-995-9200