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Hi! My name is Georgio, but most people call me George, and while I am smart, handsome, and funny sometimes I don't exercise good decision making. Like the time I jumped into a service tech's truck or tried to inspect the grass seed/fertilizer spreader. At least, that's what my humans say, I'm not buying it. I am, however, apparently lost. Totally on purpose though!! Now, if you're thinking of keeping me(Who wouldn't, I'm gorgeous!), there are some things you should know. I don't do dogs, so if you have any they'd have to go, and I sometimes tolerate other cats but only if they accept I'm in charge, but even then acceptance is unlikely. Your furniture is fair game; I like leather however microfiber and cloth work too. Hopefully you are an early riser. Birds and squirrels are up early and there is every chance I WILL wake you up too. My favorite game is Jailbreak! The rules are simple, you try to keep me in and I try to escape through any door every time it's opened. Sounds fun, right? Bonus points to me if your headed somewhere, I make you late to work, you have to get me out of a tree, or I pull a Houdini and completely disappear! Also, due to seasonal shedding, you will have to brush me daily in the summer or you'll have to bathe me. That ends well for no one. You know what, on second thought, you'd better just take me home. I've spent years training my humans and they apparently love spending time and money taking care of my high maintenance lifestyle. Plus my human mom loves me a lot and will miss me quite a bit.
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More about Georgio Armani

Comes ToWhatever I want, when I feel like it
BreedLilac point Siamese, blue eyes, long claws
CommandsHahahaha, you're kidding, right??
Medical ConditionsNone
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