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I (Dr. O'Brien) am a professor at USC-Upstate. Cecilia is a poodle who lived with a breeder for 4 years and had about 100 puppies before they surrendered her to a rescue.

Since we adopted her, she has learned that running free is her greatest joy (no wonder, since the breeder kept her in a kennel for 4 years). She will return to me when she gets her steps in (she has a GPS collar too). If she is outside a building, I am probably in it. If she is next to a car, it's our car and she's waiting for me.

More about O'Brien (Cecilia)

Comes Toname--Cecilia--maybe because she is afraid when you're not her "mom"
Breedpoodle--standard--white with apricot and brown spots
Commandssit, lie down, come, heel
Medical Conditionsnone
Special InstructionsShe will come to her owner on her own. She is very smart and self-sufficient.