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Strider is a beagle mix, adopted from a shelter at 12 weeks old. He was born on 2/6/14. He belongs to an engaged couple in Wauwatosa, WI - Bryn and Stephen. Bryn is a medical student and Stephen is a high school teacher. He is affectionate and will lick you nonstop if you let him, and is playful beyond belief. He is insanely loved, and must never be lost due to his epilepsy; his parents have his medication on hand and it must be taken twice daily.

Message from Strider: If you find me, I will be oh so very loving until the end of days... but please call my parents or try to find them; I get sad if I don't see them for long periods of time. If I seem sad and sit down and stare at you: I either want to sleep or go out. I don't go to sleep unless I have a quiet space like a kennel, and I won't whine to go out. I will just calmly stare at you and when you say 'outside' I will wag my tail to indicate 'yes'. I don't bark and will be quite the nice houseguest until my parents are found. They will give you any compensation necessary for damaged items, time lost from work, gas, or expenses like food for me. Thank you for any love you show me if I am found.

More about STRIDER

BreedBeagle Mix (unknown)
Medical Conditions1. Epilepsy (takes phenobarbital at 7am and 7pm daily to ward off seizures)
2. Enamel Hypoplasia (meaning his teeth didn't form right - he is missing almost all but his two front top canines - don't worry, he gets along just fine and is quite happy)