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Darbi the Dobie is an energetic dog who doesn't realize how big and strong she is. She has a big bark and looks vicious, but the only way she'll hurt you is on accident while playing.

She loves to snuggle, but her long legs and big feet may lead to scratches when she tries to sit on your lap or lay down next to you.

Darbi grew up with an older brother, so she likes playing with other dogs. Being used to her big brother, she can be a bit rough at times. Once again, she means no harm and just wants to play.

More about Darbi

BreedDoberman Pinscher
Medical Conditions* Dilated cardiomyopathy (Vetmedin, Lasix, Enalpril every 12 hours) * Spay incontinence (Proin every 12 hours) * Allergies (Benadryl as needed)
Microchip Number985113000679901
Primary VeterinarianGrand River Veterinary Hospital 616-897-5022