Hello, my name is Pet ID Tag

by Holly Jean
Every pet needs an ID tag. Please share!

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Small is 7/8" (2.2 cm) in diameter recommended for pets under 15 lbs (7 kg)

Large is 1.25" (3.18 cm) in diameter recommended for pets 15 lbs (7 kg) & up

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Is your dog a suave, handsome cowboy one minute and a ferocious mail-man chasing gangster the next? If your little one flips, switches, and changes its look more than Lady Gaga changes outfits in a day, these cute dog tags are the right choice. Let your furry friend's face and body language, along with one of our custom dog tag for pets, say it all. One minute he'll say, "Hello, my name is Disco Dotson," and the next, "Hello, my name is Bubba Paws."

We will put your pet's name in a playful font, just under the "Hello, my name is" line. You can let us know in the "comment" box when you checkout what you would like printed on the front of this dog ID tag.   

Lifetime legibility guarantee.

Made in the USA.

Durable stainless steel core.

Permanent colorful graphics.

Strong key ring included.

Tags ship daily.

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