Retro 80s Golden Retriever Pet ID Tag
by JCDesignDescription
Feeling nostalgic?
Remember when you were a kid, and your parents would take you to the mall to get new school supplies? You'd sit on the floor and doodle in your Trapper Keeper. And at some point, you stumbled upon one of those cute little stickers that looked like it could've been a sticker on your trapper keeper—and now you can relive that moment with this Retro Golden Retriever Pet ID Tag!
This bright and colorful illustration will remind you of the 80s, but it's also perfect for your golden retriever! Its waterproof and sun-resistant finish ensures that it never fades. Personalize the back of the pet tag with their name and contact information so that if they ever wander off or get lost, everyone knows who they are. Keep your pet safe and secure with a personalized dog tag—ensure identification for your dog by giving them a unique and cute pet tags!
Lifetime legibility guarantee.
Made in the USA.
Durable stainless steel core.
Permanent colorful graphics.
Strong key ring included.
Tags ship daily.
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